Keeping Network Expenses in Check

Keeping Network Expenses in Check

Your network is the backbone of your technology infrastructure, enabling your business to run smoothly. But are you using it in the most cost-effective manner, getting the most for your technology budget? Read on to find out more about how to keep network expenses in check. Start with a Telecommunications Expense Audit Since vendor contracts come up for renewal periodically, look at what you are paying for what you are getting. Start with an inventory of all of your network assets and providers. List and diagram carriers, circuit IDs, and phone numbers, as this information is critical for cost negotiations and in troubleshooting outages. Also, identify any aging equipment that can be phased out and replaced to ensure your productivity and that of your staff. These are some considerations in preparing for renewal negotiations. Consider Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN) One way to rein in network costs is to adopt SD-WAN (Software-Defined Wide Area Networking) technology. According to IDC, use of software-defined networking is expected to grow to $8 billion in 2018. This technology combines multiple providers of business-class Internet to give optimal performance, with lower costs compared to other alternatives. Since multiple providers are working at the same time, they can keep calls from being dropped and can minimize outages. The Importance of Network Monitoring Network monitoring helps reduce network costs in a few ways. Knowing where network traffic is going helps to identify bottlenecks and other irregularities, preventing outages and resultant downtime before these disruptions occur. Constant monitoring measures circuits both to and from your applications, helping your network adapt to changing conditions in real time. Keeping...
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