Upgrading from Windows 7 and Windows 2008

Upgrading from Windows 7 and Windows 2008

On January 14, 2020, Windows 7 and Server 2008 will reach the end of their life cycle, with operating system patches and updates no longer available. Networks and connected devices without an upgrade will be left vulnerable to cyberattacks and the resulting loss and/or compromise of data. However, it is not too late to prepare. Read on to learn more about this transition, and the importance of compliance with data regulations.  Windows EoS Migration Readiness The primary goal, as always, is the protection of the network and associated data and applications. Protection from cyberattack–and the loss or compromise of data resulting from an attack–is critical at al times. The transition from Windows 7 presents an opportunity to evaluate the security of your network and data during migration to a new operating system. Ideally, the migration has been carefully planned, and testing will be performed to assess any weaknesses in your network where confidential information might be exposed.  How to Manage Windows EoS Migration and Upgrade A good first step is to inventory your network to assess vulnerability, learning which devices still run Windows 7 and need to be upgraded or replaced. Identify mission-critical systems, data and applications that will need to be available during the migration. Temporary cloud storage is even available to keep these resources safe and your business compliant with any industry regulations. Once the plan is in place, repeated testing is needed to find holes in the network where data can be lost. What’s more, this testing will help fine-tune your preparation for the migration.  The Role of the Cloud in Windows EoS Migrations Cloud computing,...
Getting Your Business Ready for 2020 Information Technology Trends

Getting Your Business Ready for 2020 Information Technology Trends

Last year at this time, it was predicted that technologies like 5G and Internet of Things would be developing trends. This is still true.  According to a survey by CompTIA, the global tech industry is set to grow at a rate of 3.7%, reaching $5.2 trillion. The United States technology market accounts for nearly a third of that, with an expenditure of $1.7 trillion expected in 2020. Read on to learn more about business’ approach to the adoption of these new technologies. New Technologies Making Inroads in 2020 While technologies of infrastructure and software development (Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, respectively) will continue to gain ground, for many businesses they are secondary to the infrastructure and software development that already exist. Some other emerging technologies mentioned by CompTIA include software development (Software as a Service, for instance) and big data analytics. These technologies that are coming to the fore may drive revenue growth, once they are integrated with already-present technology to create innovative solutions. The Four Pillars of Information Technology According to an IDC survey, companies plan to orient their technology spending to four “pillars” of information technology: software development, cybersecurity, data, and infrastructure. Of the companies surveyed, 57% plan to focus on software development. With the infrastructure already in place, along with the users and connectivity being available, U.S. companies can focus on developing the software and services supported by this foundation. Cybersecurity follows close behind, with 51% of surveyed companies focusing on expanding their defenses against cyberattack and establishing internal processes and policies to keep their operations secure. A portion of companies (47%) will choose to...
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